Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday Update

Got to see Dad today. He was sitting up and joined in the every-other-week care conference. Goals for the next weeks include getting him up in his chair twice a day for at least an hour-and-a-half each time. You've no idea what a big deal this is. Sitting exhausts him, but the only way to get stronger is to do it, so he is facing weeks and weeks of having to exert himself whilst wanting nothing more than a good nap.

An hour into the sitting, his blood pressure was 106/60, which is really good for him.


Anonymous said...

This is what we will pray about (mostly) for your dear Dad, the muscle strength? retain the sitting position, and the blood pressure regulation. These bodies are challenging even in complete health, but what a thing to learn to do, the sitting.

We ask for God to give you bright moments in each day to sustain all of you, and remind you of His faithfulness.

The Weichmans


Anonymous said...

I just got the email about Don that was sent on Christmas Eve. It was sent to my address that I don't use anymore. I'm sorry to hear about Don, and will read the blog in more detail as time allows. He, and all of you, will be in my prayers.

I love you guys and miss you a great deal.

God be with you,
