Tuesday, January 12, 2010


75 Years ago today I was born in Ames Iowa, the son of two probably afraid 20 year olds. Where has 75 years gone. We ought to try to live well as we can't go back and we probably wish we could do some things over and do better.

I have felt great lately and am getting closer and closer to a restored life. We bought a new Van yesterday that has better hand controls on it that maybe I can drive. It would be fun next summer to pick up the grands and take them to the park to play.

We are going out for dinner this evening to celebrate the 75th. The kids are going to have a todo at a later date on the week-end.

Our son in law is here painting the basement to get it ready for a new renter that I hope we can find soon. Our barn renter is doing well - he has been here for about three months now.

Reading "Hole in our Gospel" by the head of World Vision" about how we Christians have dropped the ball in helping the poor. It is a very disturbing book but I think we all need to read it.

Our Saturday morning men's group is reading Mere Christianity. For me it is about the 10th time and I still thing it is the best Christian Book in modern times. I suggest that everyone read it again and and again. I know a philosopher friend who says he may have read it a hundred times and he taught in a college.

We are having a very mild winter so far. My Sisters in Nebrasks have been covered with almost record snowfall and low temperatures.

Best Wishes and Blessings to you,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


ten years ago we had to deal with y2k which turned out to be much ado about nothing so this year came in quite calmly. All the early to mid twenties grand daughters were home with out eldest daughter, Christy along with two of their boy friends. A busy but fun time.

Quote from "Hole in Our Gospel" - "The only people who will find happiness are those who have sought and found an opportunity to serve" Albert Switzer

The point of the book is that we Christians are not even close to living up to our responsibility to the poor. The expectation of helping the poor are very clear in the Bible. Our much of our giving goes to the poor compared to how much goes to pay staff salaries and keep up our buildings. A very challenging book. Someone has said that no one will get into heaven without a letter of reccomemndation from the poor.

We are pretty much the same. We are now in our fourth year since my accident.
What can I say about it? It is awful, being paralyzed but life still continues to be good for us. I have gained tremendous sympathy for those for whom life is difficult - millions of whom are way worse of than I am. My family has been great and we have a sufficient number of friends.

I will miss college football being over as friends sometime have come over to watch but I will probably get more reading done.

Best wishes to all - love to hear from you - Holmesdb@gmail.com
