Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Official Word

Mom called this morning to report that Dad met most of his goals last week.

Every morning he shaves and brushes his teeth by himself.
He puts on his own shirt.
He puts on his pants with moderate help.
He can roll from side-to-side unaided.
He can sit on the edge of the bed unassisted (!!) for five minutes.
He can lean on his elbow on one side and then transfer to the other side with a little help.

I do wish I could see him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I don't think I've met you, but I just wanted to thank you for doing this blog. You pack much info into a few words and it is fun to read. I do check it frequently and so appreciate being able to keep up with your dad's progress. We are praying for him and you all. Blessings, Janet Schulz